Battery Electric Vehicle Architectures 2022 (BEVA) will be held on 21-22 June 2022 at Live In Detroit & Online.
Is there now a divide in the technology depending on the vehicle’s requirements? If so, what are the emerging design philosophies for different classes of B.E.V.? For example, what is an acceptable range for a city car versus a vehicle designed for a more extended distance, longer-distance applications? How does this impact the design philosophy for the overall vehicle, including battery pack integration and thermal optimization? And perhaps the most important critical question of all, how do you incorporate cost optimization into your whole vehicle design concept to reduce the price of the vehicle for mass-market B.E.V’s?
As automakers seek to produce vehicles that are more affordable, efficient and cost effective for the mass-market, the Battery Electric Vehicles Architectures USA Congress 2022 is pitched at the whole vehicle systems design level to help OEMS and tier 1-3 supplier partners understand the key engineering trends and new technology applications for the next generation of B.E.V.s.
For OEMs designing the next generation of B.E.V’s, minimizing wasted energy and optimizing the battery pack for weight reduction is pivotal to improving efficiency and ultimately, cost. The goal with efficiency is to lose as little electrical energy as possible when driving the electric motor. Not only for range and minimizing co2 emissions from electricity usage but to also ensure that the customer has an enjoyable and dependable driving experience, whatever the external driving and climatic conditions.
Significant efficiency gains can also be achieved from improving the trade-offs between design, aerodynamics and ergonomics – for instance - as well as optimizing vehicle design to
- Maximize Weight savings
- Balance Thermal Performance
- Maximize Aerodynamic Performance And
- Optimize Battery Pack Size and Packaging
Topics like these on improving energy efficiency, balancing thermal performance and weight reduction are amongst the key engineering themes driving many of the OEM panel presentations and case studies at BEVA 22 USA.
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