Taha International Corporation stands with Bahrain’s commitment to attaining net-zero carbon emissions

The world’s leading aluminium dross processing company, Taha International Corporation has praised Bahrain’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2060.

Taha stands with Bahrain’s commitment to attaining net-zero carbon emissions

Patrick Pollmann, the Group CEO of Taha International Corporation commented while speaking at the ‘Industrial Sector's Role in Achieving Net-Zero Carbon’ forum, organized by the Environment Committee of the Alwane Bahrain Society said, “It is evident how serious the Kingdom is in its endeavour to achieve net-zero carbon by 2060, as announced by the government.”

He also pointed out that the strategies of Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) in this field are at par with international standards and serve as a role model for major industrial companies around the world.

The forum was patronized by the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, His Excellency Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani, in the presence of Dr Khaled Fahad Alalawi, Assistant Undersecretary of Industrial Development.

Pollmann exemplified that Bahrain offers an integrated legislative, procedural, and logistical system to encourage various sectors, including the industrial sector, to consider environmental and sustainability issues and adopt the best international standards in this field.

“Taha, which has been operating in Bahrain since 2005, was able to develop a one-of-a-kind international technology drawing on local and international expertise. Through this patented technology, Taha's aluminium dross process is a radical innovation that uses less energy and does not produce toxic salt cake while drastically reducing carbon emissions, marking an unparalleled achievement in the field of environmental preservation. This new technology is being adopted by an increasing number of aluminium smelters around the world,” Pollmann added.

The Group CEO of Taha International spotlighted that a recent study conducted by Ernst & Young in the Netherlands in collaboration with the renowned Austrian Montan University Leoben found that the carbon footprint of Taha’s method vastly outperforms conventional methods otherwise available in Bahrain and most parts of the world, showing a reduction of more than 80% of GHG emissions.

Aluminium LeaderSpeak 2022

“Taha International Corporation is proud to support the industrial sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and we are committed to incorporating Bahrain's industrial development strategy 2022-2026 into our key initiatives and plans because we have common goals to develop the Bahraini industrial sector and increase its contribution to national GDP," Pollmann concluded by saying.

Taha International Corporation was honoured at the end of the forum for its commitment to implementing the highest environmental and climate standards, as well as its support for the Kingdom of Bahrain's efforts to reach net-zero carbon emissions.

source https://www.alcircle.com/news/taha-international-corporation-stands-with-bahrains-commitment-to-attaining-net-zero-carbon-emissions-77973
