LME aluminium price surged by US$124.50/t this week to settle at US$2624/t; SHFE price grew 1.72% to US$3077/t

LME aluminium cash (bid) price and LME official settlement price trended up this week by US$ 124.50 per tonne, with one intermittent drop. Starting the week at US$ 7.50 per tonne higher at US$ 2,499.50 per tonne on Monday, July 26, both LME aluminium cash (bid) price and LME official settlement price inched down to US$ 2,497.50 per tonne on July 27. On Wednesday, July 28, the prices exceeded US$ 2,500 per tonne to stand at US$ 2,516 per tonne and further grew on July 29 to US$ 2,556.50 per tonne. To close the week on Friday, July 30, the prices gained US$ 67.50 per tonne to US$ 2,624 per tonne.

LME aluminium price surged by US$124.50/t this week to settle at US$2624/t; SHFE price grew 1.72% to US$3077/t

 3-months bid price and 3-months offer price jumped by US$ 210.50 per tonne through the week. The prices stood at US$ 2,408.50 per tonne on July 26, which increased sharply by US$ 83.50 per tonne on the subsequent day to come in at US$ 2,492 per tonne. On Wednesday, July 28, both 3-months bid price and 3-months offer price rose by US$ 12 per tonne to close at US$ 2,504 per tonne. On Thursday, the prices further grew to US$ 2,545.50 per tonne and stood even higher on Friday, July 30, at US$ 2,571.50 per tonne.

Dec 22 bid price and Dec 22 offer price increased from US$ 2,489 per tonne on Monday, July 26, to US$ 2,571.50 per tonne on Friday, July 30.

LME aluminium opening stock continued to decrease from 1416775 tonnes to 1387800 tonnes this week.

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SHFE Aluminium Price Trend

Benchmark aluminium price for SHFE also showed a bullish trend ranging between US$ 3,025 per tonne and US$ 3,077 per tonne during July 26-30. Starting the week at US$ 3,025 per tonne, SHFE aluminium price grew to US$ 3,036 per tonne on July 27. However, on Wednesday, July 28, the price fell to US$ 2,984 per tonne but rebounded the next day to US$ 3,019 per tonne. On Friday, July 30, SHFE aluminium price closed the week higher at US$ 3,077 per tonne.

source https://www.alcircle.com/news/lme-aluminium-price-surged-by-us124-50-t-this-week-to-settle-at-us2624-t-shfe-price-grew-1-72-to-us3077-t-68974
