Taiwan’s import of aluminium scrap from the US drops 51% in Q1 2020

Taiwan’s imports of aluminium scrap from the US stood at 2,950 tonnes in March, with a month-on-month decline of 15% from 3,480 tonnes in February 2020. On a yearly basis, imports decreased by 51% from 5,990 tonnes in March 2019, as updated by the US Census Bureau.


In the first quarter of 2020, Taiwan imported 9.980 tonnes of aluminium scrap from the US, from 20,500 tonnes imported in the first quarter of 2019. This marked a decrease of 51% year-on-year.

Taiwan’s imports of total aluminium (semi-finished products, crude metals and alloy and scrap) from the US stood at 3,750 tonnes in March 2020, a drop of 46% from 6,920 tonnes in March 2019. Imports reduced by 9% from February’s imports of 4,100 tonnes.

In Q1 2020, total imports came in at 12,000 tonnes, a decrease of 46.43% from 22,400 tonnes imported in Q1 2019.

source https://www.alcircle.com/news/taiwans-import-of-aluminium-scrap-from-the-us-drops-51-in-q1-2020-57265
