As updated by Shanghai Metals Market, the average Bauxite (4.5≤Al/Si<5.5) price in Shanxi stands at RMB 415 per tonne on Tuesday, 31 March 2020, down RMB 35 per tonne or 7.78 per cent, after remaining flat at RMB 450 per tonne since March 10. The average price is expected to move within a range of RMB 380-RMB 450 per tonne.
The average Bauxite (4.5≤Al/Si<5.5) price in Henan has declined from RMB400 per tonne to RMB380 per tonne today. The average price is expected to move within a range of RMB 370-RMB 390 per tonne.
The average spot alumina price in China has dropped from RMB 2370 per tonne to RMB 2343 per tonne on March 31. This marks a drop of RMB 27 per tonne or 1.14 per cent today.
The prices of alumina in East, Central, and North China markets have reduced by RMB 30 per tonne, RMB 30 per tonne and RMB 45 per tonne to stand at RMB 2350 per tonne, RMB 2350 per tonne, and RMB 2320 per tonne. Alumina-South remains unchanged at RMB 2520 per tonne.
Australian alumina FOB price stands USD 9 per tonne lower on Tuesday, 31 March 2020. The price stands at USD 258 per tonne.
A00 aluminium ingot price has increased by RMB 10 per tonne from RMB 11470 per tonne on March 30 and stood at RMB 11480 per tonne on March 31. The price is expected to move within a range of RMB 11460 per tonne-11500 per tonne. Spot aluminium price is likely to be traded at a discount of RMB 90-50 per tonne.
The aluminium alloy (ADC12) price is down by RMB 50 per tonne to RMB 13950 per tonne today. The price is expected to range at RMB 13850 per tonne-14050 per tonne. The prices of aluminium alloys in East, South, and West have dropped to stand at RMB 13950 per tonne, RMB 13850 per tonne, and RMB 13700 per tonne.
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