Alumina price in China stands lower at RMB2564/t; Prices of aluminium ingot and aluminium alloy register growth

According to Shanghai Metals Market, the average spot alumina price has further recorded a decline of RMB 2 per tonne to stand at RMB 2,564 per tonne, as of Friday, March 20. In the north, the price has dwindled by RMB 5 per tonne to RMB 2,570 per tonne. In the east, central, and south, however, the price has remained restrained, respectively, at RMB 2,565 per tonne, RMB 2,575 per tonne, and RMB 2,520 per tonne.

Alumina price in China stands lower at RMB2564/t

The Australian alumina FOB price has declined by US$ 10 per tonne to US$ 293 per tonne, after remaining restrained at US$ 303 per tonne for the past two days.

The A00 aluminium ingot price, on the other hand, has recorded a hike today after three consecutive declines ranging from RMB 12,740 per tonne to RMB 11,730 per tonne. The A00 aluminium ingot price today, on March 20, has increased by RMB 60 per tonne to RMB 11,790 per tonne, according to SMM data. The average prices are expected to range between RMB 11,770 per tonne and RMB 11,810 per tonne, with spot contract to be traded at a discount price of RMB 10 per tonne to RMB 60 per tonne.

Prices of aluminium ingot and aluminium alloy register growth

Wuxi and Hangzhou have seen the highest growth today of RMB 110 per tonne to stand at RMB 11,770 per tonne and RMB 11,800 per tonne, respectively. In Foshan, the price has increased by RMB 100 per tonne to RMB 11,780 per tonne, followed by Shenyang RMB 95 per tonne to RMB 11,930 per tonne and Gongyi RMB 90 per tonne to RMB 11,800 per tonne. In Linyi and Chongqing, the price has grown by RMB 80 per tonne and RMB 40 per tonne to RMB 12,060 per tonne and RMB 11,800 per tonne, respectively.

Global Aluminium Industry Outlook 2020

Backed on the growth in A00 aluminium ingot price, the price of aluminium alloy (A356) has jumped by RMB 50 per tonne to RMB 12,500 per tonne, learned SMM. However, the prices of aluminium alloys (ADC12) and aluminium alloy (A380) have remained restrained.

