A00 aluminium ingot price registered a drop of RMB 130 per tonne or 0.99 per cent from Tuesday’s price of RMB 13140 per tonne. The price now stood at RMB 13010 per tonne and is expected to move within a range of RMB 12990-13030 per tonne. Spot aluminium contract is likely to be traded at a discount of RMB 100-60 per tonne.
In Foshan and Wuxi, the price fell by RMB 130 per tonne and RMB 140 per tonne to stand at RMB 13010 per tonne each. Their average prices are expected to range within RMB 12990-13030 per tonne and RMB 13000-13020 per tonne. Aluminium prices in Hangzhou and Chongqing came in at RMB 13020 per tonne each, down RMB 140 per tonne each. Their average prices are expected to range within RMB 13010-13030 per tonne and RMB 13000-13040 per tonne.
Aluminium ingot prices in Shenyang, Tianjin, Linyi, and Gongyi dropped to stand at RMB 13005 per tonne, RMB 13030 per tonne, RMB 13140 per tonne, and RMB 12915 per tonne.
Aluminium Alloy (A356) price was down by RMB 100 per tonne to RMB 13750 per tonne and is expected to move within a range of RMB 13700- 13800 per tonne. The prices of aluminium alloy (ZLD102) and aluminium alloy (ZLD104) stood at RMB 13700 per tonne each, a decrease of RMB 50 per tonne each. Their prices are expected to move within a range of RMB 13550- 13850 per tonne and RMB 13600- 13800 per tonne.
source https://www.alcircle.com/news/a00-aluminium-ingot-price-plunges-by-rmb-130t-aluminium-alloy-a356-stands-at-rmb13750t-52211
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