Australian Bauxite Ltd eyes at Aluminium Fluoride production plant in Bell Bay, Tasmania

Tasmania’s bauxite miner has declared a key appointment as it is moving ahead in regards to the production of booming aluminium fluoride through an unprecedented refining process.

Aluminium flouride plant at Tasmania

The Australian Bauxite Limited project is eyeing to steer the production plant at Bell Bay, north-west of Launceston.

This would deliver about 50 direct jobs in the beginning, and then it will add up to 78 when the second shift gets started.

The maximum direct employment would rise to 300 when the company starts potential four further production modules to the original plant.

CSIRO senior principal research leader Mark Cooksey will take six months' leave from the national science agency to help Australian Bauxite Limited subsidiary ALCORE Limited commercialise the development of aluminium fluoride production.

The substance is used as an ingredient in aluminium smelters.

Australian Bauxite said ALCORE had been trialling chemical refining of aluminium-rich material, including bauxite, into aluminium fluoride.

Australian Bauxite said in its December quarterly report: "ALCORE's results have exceeded expectations and a production strategy is now firming up."

It has been now considered that Alcore would be the first Australian supplier of aluminium fluoride to Australasian aluminium smelters and for export.

Australian Bauxite Ltd communicated that industrial sites at Bell Bay were being investigated.

Global Aluminium Industry Outlook 2020

Managing director and chief executive Ian Levy said Bell Bay was a perfect place to build a high-tech facility.

"ALCORE needs the highly skilled and experienced leadership that Mark can provide," Mr Levy said.

