15.38% sharp decline of US import of Al crude, metals and alloys from India during Jan-Sept

A 15.38% sharp decline of USA’s import towards aluminium crude, metals, and alloys from India during the period Jan’19-Sept’19 has been recorded.

USA import from India decline in Sept'19

121,000 tonnes has been accounted for as US import from India during Jan’19-Sept’19 and in the previous year at the same phase, it was accounted for 143,000 tonnes. This record to 22,000 tonnes, a de-growth of 15.38%.

There is a continuous downfall of aluminium crude, metals and alloys during June’19 to Sept’19 of US import from India (June – 10,100, July – 6360, August – 6470, Sept – 4110). The figures say the actual scenario of the downfall month by month.

When compared to Sept’18 and Sept’19 month on month basis there is a huge decline of US import from India which has been accounted for 70.64%. In Sept’18 the import towards the USA from India was recorded at 14,000 tonnes, whereas in Sept’19 it has been recorded at 4110 tonnes, which stands to 22,000 tonnes de-growth.

Aluminium Industry Recap:2019

Again the combined figure of August’19 and Sept’19(6470 & 4110) of USA’s import from India was 10,580 tonnes. But alone the month of Sept’18 has been recorded at 14,000 tonnes. A de-growth of 3420 tonnes of USA’s import from India, which is accounted for a 24.42% downfall.

source https://www.alcircle.com/news/1538-sharp-decline-of-us-import-of-al-crude-metals-and-alloys-from-india-during-jan-sept-49813
