The average spot alumina price stands at RMB 2437 per tonne on Tuesday, 31 December 2019, up RMB 6 per tonne or 0.25 per cent from RMB 2431 per tonne on December 30. The average price of Alumina-North has increased by RMB 15 per tonne to stand at RMB 2450 per tonne.
Source: Shanghai Metals Market
Both bauxite and prebaked anode prices in the domestic China market have dropped on Tuesday, 31 December 2019. Bauxite (4.5≤Al/Si<5.5)Henan has registered a drop of RMB10 per tonne to stand at RMB 400 per tonne. The average price is expected to move within a range of RMB 370-430 per tonne. The average price of Prebaked Anode in East China declines from RMB 2850 per tonne to RMB 2780 per tonne.
A00 aluminium ingot price has extended its growth by RMB 30 per tonne to RMB 14540 per tonne on today. The price is expected to range within RMB 14520-14560 per tonne. Spot aluminium price is likely to be traded at a premium of RMB 150-190 per tonne.
Source: Shanghai Metals Market
In Foshan and Chongqing, aluminium ingot prices have decreased by RMB 90 per tonne and RMB 30 per tonne to stand at RMB 14720 per tonne and RMB 14550 per tonne. Aluminium ingot prices in Wuxi, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Tianjin and Gongyi stand at RMB 14510 per tonne, RMB 14520 per tonne, RMB 14530 per tonne, RMB 14480 per tonne, and RMB 14335 per tonne, up RMB 30 per tonne, RMB 30 per tonne, RMB 30 per tonne, RMB 40 per tonne and RMB 15 per tonne.
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