RUSAL allots 50 scholarships to eligible Guinean students for free medical education

RUSAL, the Russian aluminium giant, under the "2022 RUSAL Scholarship" initiative, wishes to educationally aid highly qualified Guinean practitioners, cardiologists, surgeons, nursing specialists and laboratory assistants. The programme will guide 50 Guineans through higher medical education for free in the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (KrasGMU) and Pharmaceutical College.

RUSAL Logo, Alcircle News

The scholarship programme will continue for 4 to 9 years, depending on the educational duration of each doctor, and RUSAL will invest a total of USD 3 million for the education of Guinean professionals.

RUSAL will look after the candidate's relocation, accommodation and educational bills while paying for the scholarships. The students are being offered internships at the company’s medical centres. People acing the graduation results might get job offers at the RUSAL enterprises in Guinea.

“RUSAL has been successfully developing its business in Guinea for over 20 years now. Throughout these years we have been subsidizing the education and healthcare for Guineans consistently,” exclaimed Yakov Itskov, Director of the Alumina Division of RUSAL.

Students participating in the programme will first have to win a competition and take qualifying tests. Only after an evaluation round in Guinea, the qualified candidates will be able to start their classes in Russia around November 2022.

This latest edition of the scholarship is a continuation of the earlier initiatives by RUSAL in Guinea, like the ‘2011 RUSAL Scholarship’ and the ‘2018 RUSAL Scholarship’.

RUSAL entitled 100 Guinean students to scholarships, and they got a chance to study in different Russian universities gaining knowledge from the department they chose in 2011. RUSAL had fully financed their education and stay. Also, in 2018, another 101 Guinean students were allowed free education in Russian universities and colleges.

Global Aluminium Industry

“In 2015, RUSAL built a modern medical centre in Guinea to fight Ebola, and in 2020 the Company constructed another multifunctional hospital to treat infectious diseases and fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the last dozens of years, hundreds of Guinean students became well-qualified in Russia with a help of granted scholarships. Launching the new educational ‘2022 RUSAL Scholarship' program is the best demonstration of our intent to provide systemic support to the Guinean education and healthcare, follow our social responsibility and sustainability principles,’ – concluded Yakov Itskov.

