Nordische Technologies and CIPET develops Aluminium-Graphene battery for gadgets and EV technologies

On Saturday, May 28, Nordische Technologies announced the development of the world’s first Aluminium-Graphene pouch cell battery in collaboration with the Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technologies (CIPET).

Nordische Technologies and CIPET develops Aluminium-Graphene battery for gadgets and EV technologies

The Aluminium-Graphene cell battery will be used for consumer electronics, gadgets, and future EV technology. This cell battery is the world's quickest charging, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-lithium and noncobalt battery with long cycle life.

"This innovative Aluminum-Graphene pouch cell and future EV battery is the result of our extensive research over the past five years. It is a lightweight, high performance battery with a shelf life of five to seven years. These rechargeable, non-toxic and recyclable batteries can be charged over 3,000 cycles," said Sabyasachi Das, CTO, of Nordische Technologies.

European Aluminium Industry Focus 2022

As per the information, Dr Kingshuk Dutta, a CIPET junior scientist, was the project's Coordinator and Principal Investigator. Ultra-Lead Carbon Battery (ULCB) and Ultra-Lead Carbon Foam Battery (ULCFB) are two more unique energy storage systems.

