Hydro Alunorte becomes world’s first alumina refinery to bag ISO 55001 certification

Hydro Alunorte plant becomes the first alumina refinery in the world to receive ISO 55001 certification.  The refinery now has seven international certifications on quality, health, safety, environment, assets, and social responsibility management systems, among others.

For the certification, a plan was carried out throughout 2020 and concluded with the visit of the external auditors at the end of the year.


Michel Lisboa, Alunorte's industrial director, said “This certification confirms that our processes are reliable and that we are a sustainable company. For the market and our customers, it demonstrates the seriousness and commitment of the company, confirming that we are a reliable partner. For the community and authorities, the seriousness in dealing with the processes is clear, and the employees realize that they are in a company that positions itself as the market leader.”

“Our preparation had continuity, even with all the challenges during the pandemic, respecting the strictest safety standards. Now, we have the responsibility to maintain this certification and increasingly improve our processes with a focus on excellence in asset management,” Luís Augusto Linhares Santos, Alunorte's executive manager.

Alunorte alumina refinery will be added in the list of ISO’s Technical Committee Members, the first in its segment. “The certification means that the refinery meets legal requirements, national and international regulations, and demonstrates the company's commitment to continuous improvement of its systems.”


With ISO 55001 certification, the company is now contributing directly to the seven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which is in alignment with Hydro's Social Responsibility strategy. The SDGs deal with sustainable water management; clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; and action against global climate change.

source https://www.alcircle.com/news/hydro-alunorte-becomes-worlds-first-alumina-refinery-to-bag-iso-55001-certification-65149
