Bauxite price in Guangxi declines 5.36%; A00 aluminium ingot price stands at RMB13360/t

The average Bauxite (6.5≤Al/Si<7.5) price in Guangxi stands at RMB 265 per tonne on Tuesday, 26 May 2020, down RMB 15 per tonne or 5.36 per cent, after remaining flat at RMB 280 per tonne since May 12. The average price is expected to move within a range of RMB 230-RMB 300 per tonne. 


The average Bauxite (5.5≤Al/Si<6.5) price in Guizhou has decreased by RMB 20 per tonne to RMB 280 per tonne today. The average price is expected to move within a range of RMB 240-RMB 320 per tonne. 

A00 aluminium ingot price has increased by RMB 100 per tonne from RMB 13260 per tonne to RMB 13360 per tonne. The price is expected to move within a range of RMB 13340 per tonne-13380 per tonne. Spot aluminium price is likely to be traded at a premium of RMB 70-110 per tonne.

In Foshan and Wuxi, the price has risen by RMB 90 per tonne and RMB 70 per tonne to stand at RMB 13550 per tonne and 13330 per tonne. Aluminium prices in Hangzhou and Chongqing stand at RMB 13370 per tonne and 13430 per tonne, up RMB 90 per tonne.


Aluminium ingot prices in Shenyang, Tianjin, Linyi, and Gongyi have increased to stand at RMB 13315 per tonne, RMB 13320 per tonne, RMB 13370 per tonne, and RMB 13295 per tonne.

The price of aluminium alloy (ZLD102) and aluminium alloy (ZLD104) stand at RMB 13950 per tonne each, an increase of RMB 100 per tonne each. The Aluminium alloy (A356) has inched up by RMB 100 per tonne to RMB 14200 per tonne on Tuesday, 26 May 2020.

