The average spot alumina price in East China is up by RMB 15 per tonne or 0.69 per cent on Friday, 22 May 2020. Alumina price stands at RMB 2190 per tonne, after remaining flat at RMB 2175 per tonne since May 15. The price is expected to move within a range of RMB 2180-2200 per tonne Alumina prices remain unchanged across all major markets in China.
Australian alumina FOB price stands USD 3 per tonne lower on Friday, 22 May 2020. The price now stands at USD 243 per tonne.
A00 aluminium ingot price has recorded a big drop on Friday, 22 May 2020. The price has decreased by RMB 310 per tonne from its earlier price of RMB 13460 per tonne. The price now stands at RMB 13150 per tonne. The price is expected to move within a range of RMB 13130-13170 per tonne. Spot aluminium price is likely to be traded at a premium of RMB 130-170 per tonne.
Aluminium ingot prices in Foshan and Wuxi stand at RMB 13300 per tonne and RMB 13130 per tonne, down RMB 300 per tonne and RMB 310 per tonne. The prices in Hangzhou, Chongqing, Shenyang, Tianjin, Linyi, and Gongyi have dropped to stand at RMB 13140 per tonne, RMB 13220 per tonne, RMB 13085 per tonne, RMB 13140 per tonne, RMB 13070 per tonne and RMB 13100 per tonne.
The aluminium alloy (ADC12) price is down by RMB 100 per tonne to RMB 13950 per tonne. The price is expected to range at RMB 13850 per tonne-14050 per tonne. The prices of aluminium alloys in East, South and West stand at RMB 13950 per tonne, RMB 13750 per tonne and RMB 13600 per tonne, a decrease of RMB 100 per tonne each.
The Aluminium alloy (A380) and Aluminium alloy (A356) have inched down by RMB 200 per tonne and RMB 300 per tonne to RMB 14750 per tonne and RMB 14000 per tonne.
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